Monday, May 5, 2008

The kids are not alright...

Sunday May 4/08 @ Label Gallery, Winnipeg MB

Pulling Teeth

Good shows two nights in a row in Winnipeg? Weird.

Jon Mayo rolled up with the most epic shirt of all time. Middle finger courtesy of Rich.


Pretty much a brand new local band featuring a bunch of dudes not so new to the local punk/hardcore scene. Heavy on the Integrity influence, which is a good thing.

Someone could get lost in those eyes.

Joel, confused as to how he is rocking so hard.

Pulling Teeth

Great band, I always forget how good they are until I see them play out. Definitely don't like god too much ha.

"I'll breathe every breath as a free man".

"I'll curse your fucking name as often as I can".

Serious riffing going on over here.

Possible band in the works, will keep you posted.

Modern Life Is War - Witness
Go It Alone - Histories
Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell

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