Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This is why we work.

Who doesn't love a good lunch date? Apparently someone didn't want a good friend and I to have one because the Pyramid Falafel truck was a ghost. Affinity's lunch buffet had a pretty good rep, so there we went.

Shit was hot, or Cory trying to blow it a kiss. Choose your own adventure.

Too bad it's pay by weight, or things could have really gotten out of hand.

Ballin' outta control.

Later on I met up with Ben for another nice meal and some bike parts shopping.

Ben's first trip to the North Star. Ben Approves.

Veggie Burgers all around. Always worth the trip.

Some gems that I rescued from my mom's garage sale on the weekend:

Winnipeg Jets playoff hand clackers.

Old Maiden cardboard poster.

Good haul.

1 comment:

The Great Gandalfini said...

you should sell me that maiden poster. i'll trade you one of my comics for it. or just money.